Kristiina Lind


Kristiina has worked as a physiotherapist for over 10 years, with the majority of her experience being with football players. For the past 5 years, she has been the physiotherapist for FC Flora’s main team. She obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Physiotherapy from the University of Tartu (cum laude), including an Erasmus internship in Helsinki, Finland. She earned her Master’s degree specializing in musculoskeletal system in Belgium at KU Leuven (cum laude), including an Erasmus internship in Amsterdam, Netherlands. She welcomes individuals seeking solutions for various orthopedic complaints related to overuse injuries, traumas, or post-operative recovery. When not at work, Kristiina enjoys spending time with her dog, listening to various professional or casually interesting podcasts, working out (yoga, pilates, gym, running), and indulging in good food.

Kristiina Lind


Kristiina on töötanud füsioterapeudina üle 10 aasta ning sellest suurema osa jalgpalluritega. Viimased 5 aastat on ta olnud FC Flora esindusmeeskonna füsioterapeut. 

Füsioteraapia bakalaureuse kraadi omandas ta Tartu Ülikoolis (cum laude) koos Erasmuse praktikaga Soomes Helsingis. Skeleti-lihassüsteemi spetsialiseerumisega magistrikraadi sai ta Belgias KU Leuvenis (cum laude) koos Erasmuse praktikaga Hollandis Amsterdamis.

Vastuvõtule on oodatud inimesed, kes soovivad leida lahendusi erinevatele ortopeedilistele kaebustele seoses ülekoormusvigastuste, traumade või operatsiooni-järgse taastumisega.

Kui Kristiina pole tööl, siis tegeleb ta oma koeraga, kuulab erinevaid erialaseid või niisama huvi pakkuvaid podcast’e, teeb trenni (jooga, pilates, jõusaal, jooks) ja naudib head toitu.  

Taavi Metsma

Taavi Metsma is a recognised physiotherapist and instructor.

Taavi Metsma graduated from Tartu Health Care College (specialisation in physiotherapy in 2009) and the University of Tartu (Master’s degree in health sciences in 2013). In addition, he is a qualified rehabilitation specialist and a technician of assistant devices. He mainly specialises in musculoskeletal physiotherapy (acute and overload injuries, postoperative recovery and persistent pain issues). In his work, Taavi values modern evidence-based approaches; therefore, he enjoys reading professional literature, he refreshes his knowledge participating in training courses and he occasionally passes on his accumulated knowledge as an instructor. As a physiotherapist, he believes that good communication is the basis for successful collaboration and that problems can be better solved and goals reached if a personal and integral approach is applied.

Laura Kõmper

Physiotherapist / languages: Estonian, English, Finnish and Swedish

Jörgen Puis


Jörgen Puis helps people overcome various injuries, whether these are fears of moving after surgery, neck stiffness behind an office desk or a ‘pulled’ quads injury while playing football. These are just few of the problems that can be solved by Dr Puis.

Jörgen doesn’t think of himself as a scientist or superman; his job title is physiotherapist. However, with his many years of experience and continuous self-development, he also calls himself a good practitioner.

Puis enjoys working together with people. The emphasis is on the word ‘together’ because a great recovery needs good cooperation and consistency with the client. “Together we will build a strong foundation, and consistency makes it even stronger,” Dr Puis promises.

Jörgen’s goal is to find more efficient ways to restore people’s health and quality of life so that they are able to do the things that matter most in their lives without being preoccupied.

Putting the mottos aside, in his free time he likes to play disc golf, go to the gym and read both professional and investment literature.

Sten Siitam

Sten Siitam is a physiotherapist and rehabilitation physician.

He got his Bachelor’s degree in physiotherapy from the University of Tartu in 2015 and Master’s degree in 2017.

Since 2015, he has been working with football and handball players of various sport clubs and youth teams and at the Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinic of Tartu University Hospital. He is specialised in treating orthopaedic injuries, post-surgery physiotherapy and prevention of injuries in athletes.